Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ever Wonder Why the Library Charges Fines?

The Library doesn't charge fines for the money -- it charges fines to increase the availability of materials!

On November 1, 2005, we analyzed overdue rates for our heavily used Recreational DVD Collection. 153 of the 302 titles in the collection were checked out on that day. Of the 153 DVDs checked out, 47 were overdue -- a 31% overdue rate.

At that time, we thought that increasing the fine from 25 cents per day to $1 per day might lessen overdue rates.

We were right.

On November 7, 2006, we did the same analysis. 272 of the 789 titles in the Recreational DVD Collection were checked out. Of the 272 DVDs checked out, 32 were overdue -- a 12% overdue rate.

Increasing the fine from 25 cents per day to $1 per day decreased the overdue rate and made more materials available to you!

Tip: Did you know that you can renew your DVDs online? Visit the Library Catalog and click on the "My Account" tab. If you renew the DVD before it is overdue, you can extend the due date by one week.

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