Thursday, October 26, 2006

Grove Art Online Update!

This month, Grove Art Online was updated to enlarge the broad coverage of women by adding nearly 120 new articles and essays on women artists and designers and over 120 new images of works by women, to include over 850 women artists. New entries include Kara Walker, Shahzia Sikander, Hildegard of Bingen, Valie Export, Guerrilla Girls, Destiny Deacon, Sheila de Bretteville, Paula Scher and more.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Donate Your Books to the Library and Get a Tax Deduction

Have you considered donating books you are no longer using to NU's Library?

Not only can you help the Library, but you can also deduct the books as a charitable donation.

How does this work?

Bring your books to the Library and leave them with a reference librarian. Make sure you include a note with your name and address. Or if you prefer, we can come and get the books. Contact Dave Schoen at mailto:schoen@niagara.eduto arrange a pickup.

We will send you a letter acknowledging the gift. For a small number of books, the letter will list the actual titles. For larger donations, we can only indicate the total number of books that were donated. (So for tax purposes, you might want to create list of titles for yourself. Then give us that list with the donation. We will stamp it as received and mail it back to you.)

We can't provide a value for your donation, but you can take a look at to see what used copies of books are selling for, or, talk to your tax accountant about valuing donated books. The IRS also provides guidance on determining fair market value of property donations:

What does the Library do With Your Donation?

We add relevant materials to the the collection, of course. Materials we already own are sold in our used book sale, so students have access to inexpensive books. For books that don't sell well locally, we try to sell them to various dealers we are in contact with. The money goes into a fund that is typically used for improving the Library: for example, new furniture and computer upgrades for patron computers.

Thanks for your consideration.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The October Monthly Book Spotlight

The October installment of the Monthly Book Spotlight has been added to the Library's web site. Reference Librarian Samantha Gust highlights the faculty members currently featured in the Library's Faculty Publications Display near the front entrance.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Staff News

The Library welcomed two new employees this fall: Evening Circulation Supervisor Rebecca Straub and Part-Time Reference Librarian Andrew Bailey.

Evening Circulation Supervisor Renee Johnson recently left the University. We thank her for her service and wish her well.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Fall 2006 Newsletter Published

The Fall 2006 issue of Library News has been added to the Library web site. In case you haven't been keeping up with this blog, the newsletter is a way for you to catch up and find out what's been happening in the Library!

This issue features articles on:

*Our new Laptop Lending Program
*Educational DVDs
*Scanning, Color Printing and Laminating in the Library
*And more!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Laptop Lending Program

We’ve noticed that there aren’t always enough computers available for you to use for research and projects, so we are piloting a Laptop Lending Program.

By presenting your NU Student ID card and a second form of identification (such as a driver’s license) at the Circulation Desk, you can check out a laptop for use within the building. Headphones and USB storage devices are also available for loan. The loan length for laptops and accessories is two hours.

For more information on this exciting new service, please visit our Laptop Lending Program page.