Monday, February 12, 2007

Most Popular Recreational Books and DVDs

Reading books for fun and watching DVDs are two pastimes we support through our Recreational Reading and DVD Collections. Both collections are conveniently located on the first floor near the Circulation Desk. These books are shelved alphabetically by the author's last name, and DVDs are shelved alphabetically by title.

Here are our ten most popular recreational book titles:
  1. Our Lady of the Forest - David Guterson
  2. The DaVinci Code - Dan Brown
  3. Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
  4. Red Dragon by Thomas Harris
  5. Girl Talk - Julianna Baggett
  6. The Amityville Horror - Jay Anson
  7. The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks
  8. The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
  9. The Wedding - Julie Garwood
  10. The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom

These are our ten most popular recreational DVDs:
  1. Garden State
  2. Closer
  3. Napoleon Dynamite
  4. Traffic
  5. Hotel Rwanda
  6. The Incredibles
  7. Mean Girls
  8. Hitch
  9. Crash
  10. Finding Neverland

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